Lydmor – Money towers (Song)

Da ist etwas Großes im Köcher. Die Dänin Lydmor müsste in einer perfekten Welt mit ihrem kommenden Album ein Superstar werden. Auf dem Weg dahin veröffentlicht die junge Künstlerin nun ihre erste Single „Money towers“. Im Interview berichtet Jenny Rossander über den elektrisierenden Elektro-Wave-Popper.

How did you write the track in the very beginning?

I had had a long day, and I’d been hanging out with some really annoying people, afterwards I was driving through a big city and looking at the skyscrapers and I thought they looked like huge towers of money.

What can you tell us about recording the song?

I was working with the production over a period of several months. I was working with Trond Bersu who lives in Oslo but I was traveling a lot at the time so every night I would sit in hotel roomswith my equipment and we would send wavefiles back and forth. So the song has been made in LA, Shanghai, Beijing, Oslo and Copenhagen.

What’s your personal favorite moment of the track?

Right between the second and third chorus there’s this break and it comes back so forceful. I love that.

How can I understand the lyrics?

It is an anger at the system combined with the feeling of a dark mysterious city. This track is a part of a bigger project called “I told you I’d tell them our story”, so it’s also a piece of a bigger puzzle.

Why did you choose the track to be released as the second single of your upcoming album?

It is actually the first single!! Helium high was just a one off track, like a little snack. I chose Money Towers because everybody liked it.

At what point of a concert would you most likely play it?

Like in the middle when everybody’s gotten their groove on and people are ready to dance but not going completely batshit.

CURRENT MOOD (pic by @leifi_life jacket by @fridaagerskov stars by space)

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Lydmor (@jennylydmor) am

How’s the music video fitting to the song?

I wanted to capture the dark mysterious feel of Shanghai and neon lights and confusion and danger.

At what moment should I play the song?

When you’ve just left your apartment, it’s starting to get dark and you put on your headphones to walk through the city.

… also, all the time.

Sicherlich spannend zu erfahren, mit was Lydmor in den nächsten Monaten um die Ecke kommt. Haltet die Ohren offen, lest nochmal das #nofilter-Interview (INTERVIEW IN ENGLISH) vom letzten Jahr und hört hier neue und vergangene Musik:

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